You were just seen
taking sides with barroom swagger
By summer boardwalk, smiling
At the play party, surrounded, enraptured
Wearing white, becoming devout,
speaking a new tongue
You were life all over just days ago we saw you
Training for the race,
holding court at the Pagan potluck,
counting found change,
you were a mentor, a nurturer,
a father/mother/child/distant cousin,
You were the international stage.
Now, we see you no longer.
Sometimes, the shock of ending.
Always. The ending.
And so we hold on
Believing cycles through birth
or dirt,
Some bits may touch again
In a great Atlantic crest,
our atoms
and yours.
We dance the desperate spiral
The memory of your voice a shaman’s
Desperate, shouting dark blue
blood bombs
Why aren’t we here
same side of this veil?
And so we dance.
What else to do but dance us into
silky grace
We dance we make song we, in jet planes and trances,
take the aerial view
Up and away, earth movements tiny and profound, and then
we come down.
We light a fire.
We fix you supper.
Robin Renée, 10/23/18
Listen to "Samhain Traditions (Episode 22)" on The Leftscape.