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Spy Gods Eve

Spy Gods - kachina doll promo photo - Robin Renee, Sharief Hobley, Bob Ramos, Marcello McDonnell

My years of writing and performing with Spy Gods have never left my heart, and I admit I have been nervous as hell about putting the show back together for the Hub City Music Festival. It’s so strange to realize how much time has passed and all the projects we’ve each done since we were making the scene together (roughly 1987 – 1992). That sounds as though it would seem like ancient history, but being in a room rehearsing with Marcello, Bob, and Sharief feels incredibly natural. I am so psyched about having reconnected with this creative force. Tonight, I’m feeling a little like a kid on Christmas Eve. I would do well to get a bit more sleep than that.

I’m not terribly superstitious, but I think I’ll err on the side of not jinxing our show with too many words beforehand. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and hearing the other musicians I love and admire. Since rehearsal tonight, I’ve been reveling in the real blend of sounds and cultures that meets in our songs. We didn’t set out to personify diversity, so I am struck by how much we did. And do. Wow… Spy Gods in the present tense. Over the past year or more I felt that my musical connection and creative center had gone missing. I believe this was the remedy I didn’t know I was looking for. I’m feeling blessed and ready to rock. Come to the show if you can!

Saturday, April 7th

The Court Tavern

124 Church Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

8pm: DJ Don Dazzo

11pm: Spy Gods

Robin Renée and Marcello McDonnell - Spy Gods at The Melody, New Brunswick, NJ

Spy Gods promo photo - Marcello McDonnell, Bob Ramos, Robin Renee, Sharief Hobley

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