Blog March… GO!

Raising Voices for Freedom of Expression, Knowledge, and Information
Blog March is ready to launch! We are setting off, each to present something true, important, or moving. I expect some posts will be deeply personal, some intellectual, some coming from anger or frustration, some from the depths and complexities of love, some from simple moments of inspiration. We will hear from distinctly different perspectives. What I believe unites all those taking part in Blog March is that we, in all our diversity, shine a light on the political nature of speaking up. We are insisting on our voices being heard and being known as valid. We raise our voices to insist upon the continued right to express honestly and to receive and share information. We raise our voices for all voices that stand for truths, be they personal or universal.
I hope you will read along each day this month. Interact and ask questions. Quote, share, comment, and challenge, with respect. Appreciate, learn, and “march” along with us.
Monday 5/1 Kevin Patterson at Poly Role Models
Tuesday 5/2 Christiana Gaudet at Dark Forest
Wednesday 5/3 Domino Valdano at
Thursday 5/4 Wendy Sheridan at Wendy Designs
Friday 5/5 Mary McGinley at Audition Physician's Blog
Saturday 5/6 Cecilia Tan at Why I Like Baseball
Sunday 5/7 Robin Renée at
Monday 5/8 Jason Wendleton at Defending Axl Rose
Tuesday 5/9 David Jamison at Infinite Destiny
Wednesday 5/10 Rorie Kelly at GoGirlsMusic on
Thursday 5/11 Susan with Pearls at SusanWithPearls
Friday 5/12 Glenn Walker at Welcome to Hell
Saturday 5/13 Jazz Goldman at Jazz Knows Stuff
Sunday 5/14 Julio Cortés at Mind and Body 360
Monday 5/15 Tom Limoncelli at Everything SysAdmin
Tuesday 5/16 Diana Adams at Diana Adams Law & Mediation
Wednesday 5/17 Pandora Scooter at
Thursday 5/18 Dot Calm's Shadow at Dot Calm's Page of Truth & Sedition
Friday 5/19 Edie Weinstein at The Bliss Blog
Saturday 5/20 Marcia Baczynski at Asking for What You Want
Sunday 5/21 Poet On Watch at
Monday 5/22 Kathy Haynie at
Tuesday 5/23 Cmo Love at The Watering Hole
Wednesday 5/24 Max Mania at Keeping Benton County Green and Oregon Blue
Thursday 5/25 Marie Gilbert at Gilbert Curiosities
Friday 5/26 Pamela Means at
Saturday 5/27 Ann Tweedy at The Faculty Lounge
Sunday 5/28 Bob Bruhin at LOVE in the Afternoon
Monday 5/29 JD Stillwater at Run Deep
Tuesday 5/30 Anthony Lioi at Planetary
Wednesday 5/31 Jessica A. Walsh at
Check back here for updates and direct links.
Blog March… GO!