Blog March Day 22: Kathy Haynie Envisions "A More Perfect Union"
In today's Blog March essay, Kathie Haynie learns about the proper care and feeding of our democracy. She shares this introduction to "A...

Blog March Day 19: Edie Weinstein is on a Mission to Heal Hate with Hugs
Edie Weinstein, a journalist, author speaker, and enthusiastic inspirer of well-being, has an uplifting message to share: Hugs Heal Hate....

Blog March Day 18: "The Danger of Magical Thinking" on Dot Calm's Page of Truth and Se
The writer and activist known as Dot Calm's Shadow has taken a deep dive journey into religion of various flavors and back out again with...

Blog March Day 17: Pandora Scooter Calls for Unity in the LGBTQ High School Lunch Room
Spoken word artist, performer, and longtime activist Pandora Scooter sees something familiar in the LGBTQ community - It reminds her a...

Blog March Day 16: Diana Adams' Guide to Staying Healthy in the Resistance Marathon
Diana Adams is a leader in the legal support of LGBTQ and polyamorous families and other nontraditional family structures. In "Avoid...

Blog March Day 15: Tom Limoncelli's "Personal Drumbeat of #Resistance"
If you've ever wondered how you can possibly add activism to your already busy schedule, Tom Limoncelli has some answers. So many of us...

Blog March Day 14: A Reminder from Julio Cortés - Get Back to Joy
Health coach Julio Cortés says that despite the relatively positive lives most Americans lead, the current political climate has many of...

Blog March Day 13: Jazz Goldman is a Recovering Male Acolyte
Today on the Blog March, Jazz Goldman gives us an unflinching take on a tough topic: white cis male privilege. In the past, many of Jazz'...

Blog March Day 12: Glenn Walker's Call to Action in "... Not My President"
Pop culture writer Glenn Walker pulls no punches in this one. He recalls how Watergate intruded upon his Brady Bunch watching time and...

Blog March Day 11: Susanwithpearls says The First Principle of Freedom is Peace
Today on the Blog March, Susanwithpearls muses about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What is at the core of those rights?...