Blog March Day 11: Susanwithpearls says The First Principle of Freedom is Peace
Today on the Blog March, Susanwithpearls muses about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What is at the core of those rights?...

Blog March Day 10: Rorie Kelly is Starting Uncomfortable Conversations
Singer-songwriter Rorie Kelly has long been an activist in song, but now she's taken to making social and political conversations...

Blog March Day 9: David Jamison May Be the Most Liberal Person You'll Ever Meet
It's Blog March day #9 and David Jamison has posted "There's No Place Like Home." Read about why he believes he breaks the U.S. political...

Blog March Day 8: Jason Wendleton on Music's Empathic Vibrations
Jason Wendleton discusses and reviews a wide variety of music on his blog, Defending Axl Rose. Today for the Blog March, he relays the...

Blog March Day 7: She said he'd never leave - Robin Renée
She said he’d never leave She said he’d never leave Weaving lives at ninety-five, sweet, sunny porch smiles now and someday one long arc...

Blog March Day 6: Cecilia Tan's Faith in Baseball and America
Blog March continues today with author Cecilia Tan. Through the lens of her enthusiasm for baseball, Cecilia remarks on the importance of...

Blog March Day 5: Mary McGinley Asks, "Why Hate Art?"
Theatre artist Mary McGinley gets confrontational today with "Why Hate Art?" She's not happy about the proposal by "45" to eliminate the...

Blog March Day 4: Wendy Sheridan on Star Wars Day
Today, unapologetic nerd and lover of puns Wendy Sheridan gives us the official Star Wars Day blessing: "May the Fourth Be With You." She...

Blog March Day 3: Domino Valdano Declares Hir Gender Journey
Domino Valdano has posted a great piece today called "Male privilege was a Faustian bargain for me." It's a good read for those of any...

Blog March Day 2: Christiana Gaudet - The Bunny in the Bramble Patch
Today, Christiana Gaudet shares a wonderful essay that weaves through May Day and Beltane celebration experiences that lead to an...