Blog March Day 26: "Hands Up" - Words and Music by Pamela Means is lucky today to host a Blog March post by singer/songwriter, musician, activist, and educator, Pamela Means. Here are her thoughts, followed by a truly powerful song for you to listen to and download:
Blog March 5/26/17 In the wee hours of November 9, 2016, during live MSNBC post-election coverage, Benjamin Jealous, former head of the NAACP, said (paraphrasing) that in fifty to one hundred years from now, history will look back at the election of Donald Trump as the death rattle of the old white power structure in its last dying grasp for control. These words gave some solace and framed a centuries long perspective for the shock and despair I was engulfed in that night. I'm now out of shock, exceedingly outraged and focused on the fight. I'm reminded of Mr. Jealous's post-election truth in the rampant reports of racist hostility, blatant threats and staggering acts of violence by those emboldened by Trump's rhetoric, the cascade of characters appointed to implement inhumane hateful directives, and an aggressive onslaught of GOP-led cruelty-based legislation. Our melting pot has always needed activists to protect the vulnerable and to advocate for the voices most needing to be heard.
But, now, the house is on fire. We must remain alert and informed. We cannot rest. Our lives depend on it. The future is made by our choices today. Keep contacting members of Congress. Vote in every election from the school board on up. Run for office! Speak up. Speak out. Often. -Pamela Means
Tomorrow on our Blog March, we will hear from poet Ann Tweedy at The Faculty Lounge. You can find links to all the Blog March contributors here: Blog March 2017. Please read, share, and comment!